Fantasy of Flight TP-40N flies again after four and a half years

Fantasy of Flight’s Curtiss TP-40N Warhawk has flown again after four and a half years. Kermit Weeks report on Fantasy of Flight’s YouTube channel:

If you’ll remember, the last time I flew it, FOUR AND A HALF YEARS AGO, the landing gear didn’t want to come up so I immediately put it down and landed safely. I had already bellied in my other P-40E due to a problem and didn’t want a repeat episode. I decided not to fly this one again until we re-installed an original emergency system, which for some reason in the past was taken out! This involved having special components made, pulling the fuel tanks out to install them, and then doing lots of gear swings. Finally we were able to get her out and take her for the test flight. She ran great! Check it out.

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    • Tony Walsh on January 4, 2016 at 6:56 PM
    • Reply

    That was amazing, so great to see her up in the air. We were last at FoF in 2013 on holiday from UK.

    • Jeff Taylor on January 5, 2016 at 11:31 PM
    • Reply

    Does it always start that easily?? I don’t know jack about the P40 but that one sounds like it has a RR Merlin in it? Glad u had fun in it Kermit. JT

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